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The Dr. Shyamala Show

Nov 16, 2021

In today’s episode, we talk about how taking radical responsibility for self is the single most empowering step you can take. When we take complete ownership of our lives, we access our Emotionally Intelligent Self. When we externalize ownership of our lives, placing responsibility and blame on others and circumstances, we operate out of our Emotionally Reactive Self, which in everyday life can look like:

  • moods depend on what happens TO her
  • gets agitated when things don’t go her way
  • lives her life with worry, fear and self doubt

Join us for an insightful and intimate conversation about what your Emotionally Intelligent Self can look like, and how understanding and owning that you are 100% responsible for yourself shows up in the way you move through life on a day to day basis.

This episode was recorded as part of the weekly training that happens inside our free private Facebook group, The EQ Lab. If you are looking for a vibrant community of women who are ready to transform their relationships and reach that next level of success, join us right here: 

For more communication and relationship strategies, follow along with Dr. Shyamala:

